Shop Local Holiday Bingo!
To encourage residents to shop local and discover new stores and businesses in Georgina, the Georgina Chamber of Commerce in partnership with the Kinsmen of Georgina are launching a Shop Local Holiday Bingo contest! The Holiday Bingo card is full of activities that promote local shopping!
- Cards can be printed from our website or picked up at the Georgina Chamber of Commerce office at The Link at 20849 Dalton Road, Sutton. Office hours Monday - Friday, 8am - 4pm.
- For every 5 squares completed your name will go on a ballot and entered into the prize draw. The more squares you complete, the more ballots entered, and the more chances to win!
- Submit your Shop Local Bingo Card one of two ways: Online: Upload the completed squares, information and receipts to: In-Person: Mark completed squares and info on your card, attach receipts (originals or copies) and drop off at the Georgina Chamber of Commerce office at The Link: Address: 20849 Dalton Road, Sutton. Office Hours: Monday-Friday 8am-4pm
- Prizes will be awarded to eligible participants by random draw.
- Deadline to submit Shop Local Holiday Bingo cards: Monday December 20th, 2021
- Draw for Shop Local Holiday Bingo prize packs will take place by Wednesday December 22nd, 2021