Heartfulness Sunday Satsanghs
Date and Time
Sunday Apr 12, 2026
9:00 AM - 10:00 AM EDTEvery Sunday 9-10 am
Heartfulness Sunday SatsanghsDescription
This weekly meditation series is brought to you by Heartfulness and Be 8nfinite teams. This simple and subtle practice of meditation connects each of us with the light and love in our hearts.Yogic Transmission in this method allows you to have a profound experience even in your very first session. With practice, one experiences calmness from within, leading to the creation of better concentration, inner balance and true wellness of being. Read more…
Who is this program for?
If you are looking for a simple, practical way to learn to relax, meditate and discover the unlimited resources of the heart, this program is for you. Even if you have no previous experience with meditation you can still join and enjoy this program and the profound effects of Yogic Transmission.
This simple yet transformational practice is always offered for free to make it available for everyone. Through the network of thousands of global HeartSpots and one magnificent smartphone app, Heartfulness offers the world a daily practice that awakens our potential for simple and joyful existence.
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